Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Cancer Schmancer...

Can't you just hear Grandma Fosh saying that with her New York accent that's still strong after 65 years in the south?

To bring you all up to speed, about a month ago, during a routine check-up, the doctor found two swollen lymph nodes that seemed suspicious. After several rounds of tests, lots of poking, prodding, x-raying and many doctors visits, it was confirmed that Grandma has Stage 4, Non-Hodgkin, B-Cell Lymphoma. This was as much of a shock to all of us as I am sure it is to you.

Grandma has made the decision to fight the fight and kick cancer's ass! She knows that it won't be an easy road, but as she told my brother last week, she wants to be here for our family and has work yet to be done!

Treatment will start Thursday, April 30...

As you can imagine, Grandma Fosh is facing this as she does most things, with a strong, winning spirit!

Follow Grandma Fosh on her journey - leave comments for her (she has already asked me to teach her how to blog) and cheer her on as she wins this fight!


  1. Grandma Fosh -- It's Laura -- Daryn's friend. We've never met before but, I've heard nothing but lovely things about you. I hate to hear this bummer news but, from what I can tell, you are a tough cookie! I'll be cheering you on every step of the way.

  2. Cheering for you, Grandma Fosh! Come over and visit our blog anytime. Thinking and praying for you! We love you, Daryn and your family very much!

    Beth from Alabama

  3. Florence... I tried calling you last week while I was in Boston, and left you a message. I am back in Miami and will try calling you again. We are driving to Atlanta on Wednesday, so I will try you during the day. Hope I can get you and chat a little bit. I asked Allan and he explained a bit about your treatments so we are all hoping and praying that they won't be too hard on you while doing their work, which we are all sure they will. We want to see you good and well soon. Will talk to you, in the meantime all our love........Hilda and Benny

  4. Your West Virginia fans are cheering you on, as well!! We're thinking of you and sending lots of love and healing energy... Thanks, Daryn, for setting up the blog. Love and Peace from the mountains, Bill & Marjie

  5. I'll be honest.... after talking to Grandma Fosh on the phone today, I cried. Of course I cried wishing for the treatment to be as gentle as possible -- and as effective as possible -- but I think I really cried because I simply hope that I will be able to face life with a mere fraction of the courage and wisdom that is so engrained in every aspect of our beloved Grandma Fosh.

    With love today and always. -Ry
